Company description
H2Only water is purified using a unique extraction process that produces the purest water available anywhere. This is truly nature and science working together.
The most crucial part of our exclusive purification process is distillation. Like nature’s cleansing cycle 500 years ago, before pollution, acid rain, and other contaminants, water is evaporated and condensed, removing it from contaminants. This concept of removing the water from the impurities is the secret to truly pure water, unlike filtration, which unsuccessfully attempts the opposite; i.e., removing the impurities from the water.
H2Only VS Filtered Water: Filtered water is passed through a strainer and/or activated carbon. While carbon filters reduce disagreeable tastes and odors, they are not effective in removing Show more
contaminants such as arsenic, copper, lead, nitrates, parasites, sodium and sulfates … the list goes on. Filters eventually fill with an accumulation of the very substances they are trying to remove; bacteria and decay can cause worse problems in the water than the benefits they attempt to provide.
H2Only VS Spring Water: Spring water is derived from an underground formation from which water flows naturally to the surface of the earth. Spring water is not necessarily filtered and is not distilled, unless otherwise noted. Spring water could contain any chemicals, minerals and impurities that occur at that water source, whether from pollution or natural deposits.